Monday, 24 February 2014


In relation to pronunciation ( 3 points) , you will be evaluated according to your “performance”. I recommend checking on the internet how to pronounce the words you aren’t quite sure  how they are pronounced. If you are filming a music video, it’s going to be a bit complicated to distinguish your voice, so what we can do is that apart from singing, I’m afraid you’ll have to talk a bit …I don’t know…maybe about yourself, your opinion on this project…

Originality ( 2 points), your “short movie” needs to be original if you want to get a high mark.

Written text ( 1 point), you need to write  the things you are going to talk about in your clip ( interviews, presentations, dialogues, opinions…) Please, give them to me to have them corrected for you BEFORE filming. NOTE: if you copy your “project” from the internet, you won’t get any grade here.

Quality and video edition ( 2 points). I don’t expect you to be “professionals” but what I do expect is a nice video ( good sound quality and video edition)

Classwork ( 1 point) needless to say you have a lesson per week to work on your project.

Report ( 1 point). I need a bit of feedback. I want you to write a report with the following information:

-                              How you have divided your project ( tasks and people in charge).
-                               The problems you’ve had to face and how you’ve solved them.
-                              The things you’ve learnt from doing your video.
-                             A personal evaluation.

DEADLINE17th March ( Letras) and 18th March ( Ciencias)

Your video has to last at least 3 minutes, depending on how many people there are in your group.