Wednesday, 18 March 2020

2º Ciencias. Homework 18th March

Morning! Today we are going to read an article on BBC News. I'm sure it's the first time some people here read  a paper in English, am I right?

Click here and do the exercises below. Write down the new words in order to improve your vocab and expand your knowledge of the English language.


Supply chain: cadena de suministro.
In short supply: que quedan pocos.
Stockpile: almacenar.
Isolate: aislarse.
Plan ahead: planificar.
Plea: súplica, petición, solicitud.
Temporary cap: límite temporal. (amos a ver teacher ...pero si "cap" es gorra!!! que síiii, no os he dicho ya que el inglés tiene muchas acepciones...)
Replenish: reponer.
Short-lived: efímero, breve.
Watchdog: perro guardián. No se refiere a un pitbull loco de cabeza ancha sino como a un "segurata" que controle que no se haga nada ilegal.
Retailer: minorista.

Synonyms: ( yep, they appear in order ;))

Up tp now:
Manage, handle:
Path, way:
Lack, déficit:



To act properly:
A person who purchases goods, buyer:

In the question “ How many people are buying?”, find examples of:

Present perfect continuous:
1st conditional:
Modal verb:
Passive voice:

I'll post the anwers at 1.

Os recomiendo para no volveros locos que os pongáis un objetivo diario, ya sea aprender a planchar, cocinar con vuestros padres o aprender el baile que os voy a poner. Ya me decís...

Take care and have a good day!

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